Petunjuk menghadapi SOCA dari MERDU FK Unpad
Medical Education Research and Development Unit


OSOCA is objective student oral case analysis
The objective of conducting OSOCA is assessing the comprehensive concept of a case.
The students are expected to analyze the case by explaining problems and its basic mechanism; rationale diagnosis, and therapy applying underlying basic sciences. (Including BHP, PHOP and CRP for batch 2008)

Items should be explained:
Start with describing mind mapping of the case (describing the correlations of one problem/condition to another: cause-effect relationships); checklist should accordance to any aspects that revealed from the mind mapping.
1. General case review: (score 5)
a. Explain the correlation of the main problem (diagnosis) with other conditions of the patient including etiology and/risk factors and/predisposing factors.
- Bacterial meningitis as complication of otitis media perforates (in the case describing otitis media perforates and bacterial meningitis)
- Ischemic stroke with age, hypertension and hyperlipidemia as the risk factors (or any conditions that are mentioned in the case). If the affected vascular or part of the brain is mentioned then the student should also analyzed it.
b. Basis/criteria diagnosis using clinical interpretation of problems; including ways to rule out differential diagnosis (only those are mentioned in the case), including basis in the classification or types or affected structure, for exp. affected artery or part of the brain in stroke.

2. Basic sciences involved (20-35)
Explain/describe basic sciences being disturbed or affected in pathogenesis and pathophysiology.
- Motoric pathway in paralysis
- Blood pressure regulation in hypertension
- Vascularisation in disease that spreads hematogenous
- Acid-base balance regulation and histology of renal tubule in acidosis due to CRF; acid-base balance regulation and urine production/GFR in acidosis due to prerenal ARF. Different pathomechanism of the same problem leading to different basic sciences expected to be explained.
- Characteristic causing agent regarding morphology, structure/s of microorganism that play role in pathogenicity and virulence)

3. Pathogenesis: (10-20)
Explain the mechanism result in the disease and alteration structures that is showed in supporting examination such as radiology, pathology anatomy and others (if any)

4. Pathophysiology: (20-30)
Explain each mechanism results in all signs and symptoms including those revealed in laboratory examination.

5. Management: (5-10)
a. The principles (the purpose/s and the benefits) of non-pharmacological management including medical rehabilitation, prevention, patient education and others.
b. The principles/rationale approach of pharmacological management including the purpose/reason on drug selection.

6. Complication: (5)
Explain the mechanism result in the complication (if it mentioned in the case)

7. Prognosis: (5)
The reason of either good or poor prognosis

8. BHP (5 for 1 SKS)

9. PHOP (5)

10. CRP (5)

11. Student Performance (10)

Note: point 8, 9 and 10 are not for batch 2005-2007

* meeeee......'

Btw gimana caranya meng-include PHOP sama CRP ke dalam SOCA ya????

2 komen:

tukangmacul mengatakan...

Gin, baca baik2..
poin 8,9,10 buat angkatan 2008 aja..
kita nggak perlu pake BHP etc. ^^

Gina Septiani mengatakan...

iya teh...
cuma aq mikir kalo aq mereka gimana caranya??haghag

kalo BHP masi mending..

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Mutiara Illahi

"Allah adalah cahaya langit dan bumi. Perumpamaan cahayanya adalah ibarat misykat yang didalam misykat itu ada pelita yang besar. Pelita itu di dalam kaca dan kaca itu laksana bintang yang bercahaya sekilau mutiara. Ia dinyalakan dengan minyak dari pohon yang penuh barakah. Pohon zaitun yang tumbuh bukan di timur tidak pula di barat. Yang minyaknya hampir-hampir menyala meski tiada api yang menyentuhnya. Cahaya diatas cahaya! Allah membimbing kepada cahayaNya siapa yang Ia kehendaki. Allah membuat perumpamaan bagi manusia dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala."(Q.S. An-Nur 35)


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inget Allah yuk..

The Traveller..

Foto saya
Manusia biasa yang ingin menjadi luar biasa. Tidak biasa tapi ingin membiasakan diri menulias... Masih kuliah, dan masih agak lama sepertinya untuk lulus.. Tapi yang namanya proses itu harus dinikmati.. So,i enjoy my journey to be a doctor..^^

waktu terus berlari..
